
16 per month/user without VAT Discount 36 € without VAT / year / user
19 per month/user without VAT
  • Basic modules
  • Price quotes
  • Sales orders
  • Issued invoices
25 per month/user without VAT Discount 48 € without VAT / year / user
29 per month/user without VAT
  • Everything from the Start version
  • Purchase orders
  • Full invoicing
  • Warehousing
Comparison of versions



Number of companies
If you are the owner of several companies, we recommend the Business version. You can switch between individual companies and share contacts, products, as well as price quotes or orders.
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Records of your suppliers and customers. You can set up who can see your suppliers. Your customer can be a company with contact persons, as well as an individual.
Each customer can have their own specific business terms and conditions.
Extensive management of your products. You can set up different prices, price levels, specific prices for a particular customer, types and accessories of products, their composition for warehouse, replacements, and much more.
Thanks to the tasks, everyone in the team will know what to expect. The task may be linked to a specific business document, e.g. to the price quote. Thus you will see the entire history concerning this quote.
Price quotes
You will quickly create a price quote that will represent your company. We can design templates according to your corporate identity, or you can just just upload your logo and choose from dozens of ready templates.
Sales orders
The order received from your customer is the heart of the system. You deliver goods under it, you create proforma and billing invoices. It can arise from your work in Offeris, or the customer can create it himself on your e-shop or at B2B portal.
Issued invoices
Invoicing towards the customer. It contains proforma invoices, invoices, credit notes and tax documents on received payments. You can import payments from your bank.
You need the right data to make the right decisions. In Statistics module you will find data about your company from the point of view of the product, customer, supplier, and trader.
Send news, events, greetings to your business partners.
You will create order in your products by not just putting them into a long list, but by dividing them into different categories. The catalog can also be used in B2B, as well as exported to the e-shop.
You will see your meetings as well as the meetings of colleagues whom you have access rights to. You can synchronize your calendar with google calendar or Office 365.
Purchase orders
Ordering goods from your suppliers. You can order freely, based on the sales order, or using the Need to Order function, which calculates what you need.
Received invoices
Your invoices received from suppliers. You can track payments, check their accuracy according to delivery notes, etc.
Numbering of documents
You can have any numbering, e.g. one type of numbering for goods and the other for services, or number your documents according to sales representatives.
Attached electronic documents to each business document, product or company.
Comprehensive warehouse management with advanced functions, such as composition of products, commission sales, rental. You can have any number of warehouses.
Business cases
Particular electronic file in which you have business documents that belong to one business case. You can estimate its total profitability.
Management and registration of claims. Thanks to B2B, your partner can submit the claim even without your assistance.
You will create your own records as needed. No more separate excels.
Material groups
Extension of products with specific properties. For example, with a drill, you will be interested in its power and speed. With a door, in its size, etc.
Service orders
Orders and monitoring the performance of service technicians. Technician has a mobile application at site.
Communication portal
Free version of B2C communication interface. Your customer will see the generated web page with his price quote, order or invoice. The full B2B portal is for an extra monthly fee.
B2C Free B2C Free